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© 2017 by Coastal Policy and Humanities Research

Publications by Marjo Vierros

Policy Reports


Vierros, M. and de Fontaubert, C. (2017) Blue Economy and increasing economic benefits for Small Island Developing States and Least Developed Countries from sustainable management of marine resources. A World Bank Group publication.


Dunn, D., Crespo, G., Vierros, M., Roady, S., Alberini, A., Harrison, A-L., Cisneros, A., Moore, J., Sloat, M., Caddell, R. and Halpin, P. (2017) Adjacency: How legal precedent, ecological connectivity, and traditional knowledge inform our understanding of proximity. A policy brief submitted to the 3rd meeting of the Preparatory Committee established by General Assembly resolution 69/292: Development of an international legally binding instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction


Vierros, M., Dunn, D., O’Hara, T., Grorud-Colvert, K., Morgan, L. and Halpin, P. (2016) Space for conservation and sustainable use: area-based management in areas beyond national jurisdiction. A policy brief submitted to the 2nd meeting of the Preparatory Committee established by General Assembly resolution 69/292: Development of an international legally binding instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction


Vierros, M. (2016) Training manual on the incorporation of traditional knowledge into the description and identification of EBSAs. Document prepared for the Convention on Biological Diversity, Subsidiary Body on Scientific Technical and Technological Advice. UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/20/INF/21


Vierros, M., Jiménez, J. and Shillinger, G. (2013) Protection and Management of the Costa Rica Thermic Dome – An oceanic oasis for marine conservation and sustainable fisheries. Summary science and supporting evidence case. Published by MarViva, Costa Rica.


Vierros, M. (2012) Identifying specific elements for integrating the traditional, scientific, technical and technological knowledge of indigenous and local communities, and social and cultural criteria and other aspects for the application of scientific criteria for the identification of ecologically or biologically significant areas (EBSAs) as well as the establishment and management of marine protected areas. Document prepared for the Convention on Biological Diversity, Subsidiary Body on Scientific Technical and Technological Advice. UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/16/INF/10


Vierros, M., Tawake, A., Hickey, F., Tiraa, A. and Noa, R. (2010) Traditional Marine Management Areas of the Pacific in the Context of National and International Law and Policy. United Nations University – Traditional Knowledge Initiative, Darwin, Australia.


UNESCO (2009) Global Open Oceans and Deep Seabed (GOODS) – Biogeographic Classification. Paris, UNESCO-IOC. (IOC Technical Series, 84.). Edited by M. Vierros, I. Cresswell, E. Escobar-Briones, J. Rice and J. Ardron.


Vierros, M. and W. Cheung (2007) Synthesis and review of the best available scientific studies on priority areas for biodiversity conservation in marine areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. Information document for the Thirteenth meeting of the Convention on Biological Diversity Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA-13), FAO, Rome, Italy, 18 - 22 February 2008. Also published as CBD Technical Series No. 37.


Vierros, M., F. Douvere and S. Arico (2006) Implementing the ecosystem approach in open ocean and deep sea environments. A United Nations University – Institute of Advanced Studies report.


 Journal Publications


Bennett, N., Kaplan-Hallam, M., Satterfield, T., Teh, L., Ota, Y., Christie, P., Ayers, A., Day, J., Franks, P., Gill, D., Gruby, R., Kittinger, J.N., Koehn, J.Z., Lewis, N., Parks, J., Vierros, M., Whitty, S., Wilhelm, A., Wright, K., Aburto, J.A., Finkbeiner, E., Gaymer, C., Govan, H., Gray, N. and Jarvis, R.M. (2017). An appeal for a code of conduct for marine conservation. Marine Policy, June 2017


Vierros, M., Suttle, C., Harden-Davies, H. and Burton, G. (2016). Who owns the ocean – policy issues surrounding marine genetic resources. Bulletin of the American Society on Limnology and Oceanography. 2(25), 29-35.


Vierros, M (2013) Communities and blue carbon: the role of traditional management systems in providing benefits for carbon storage, biodiversity conservation and livelihoods. Climatic Change. DOI 10.1007/s10584-013-0920-3


Rice, J., Gjerde, K., Ardron, J., Arico, S. Cresswell, I., Escobar, E., Grant, S. and Vierros, M. (2011) Policy relevance of biogeographic classification for conservation and management of marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction. Ocean and Coastal Management 54: 110-122.


D. Leary, D., Vierros, M., Hamon, G., Arico, S. and Monagle, C.  (2009) Marine Genetic Resources: A review of scientific and commercial interest. Marine Policy 33: 183– 194


Murdoch, T.,  Glasspool, A., Outerbridge, M., Ward, J.,  Manuel, S., Gray, J., Nash, A., Coates, K., Pitt, J., Fourqurean, J., Barnes, P., Vierros, M., Holzer, K. and Smith, S.R. (2007) Large-scale decline in offshore seagrass meadows in Bermuda. Marine Ecology Progress Series. Vol. 339: 123–130.


Vierros, M. (2006) The Convention on Biological Diversity in oceans and coasts: Moving from policy to implementation. Sustainable Development Law & Policy. Fall 2006, pp 17-20.


Vierros, M.  and C. Salpin (2005) Evaluating and enhancing the implementation of the marine and coastal programme of work of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Ocean Yearbook, Vol. 19. University of Chicago Press.


Book Chapters


Vierros, M, Sumaila, R. and Payet, R.A. (2015) Main human uses of ocean areas, impacts and multiple scales of governance. Chapter 2 in: Ocean Sustainability in the 21st Century. S. Arico (Ed.), Cambridge University Press.


Vierros, M., Salpin, C., Chiarolla, C. and Arico, S. (2015) Emerging and unresolved issues: The example of seabed and open ocean genetic resources in areas beyond national jurisdiction. Chapter 5 in: Ocean Sustainability in the 21st Century. S. Arico (Ed.), Cambridge University Press.


Vierros, M., Cresswell, I.D., Bridgewater, P. and Smith, A.D. (2015) Ecosystem approach. Chapter 6 in: Ocean Sustainability in the 21st Century. S. Arico (Ed.), Cambridge University Press.


Vierros, M., McDonald, A. and Arico, S. (2012) Oceans and Sustainability: The governance of marine areas beyond national jurisdiction. Chapter 11 in: Green Economy and Good Governance for Sustainable Development: Opportunities, Promises and Concerns, Puppim de Oliveira, Jose A. (Ed.). Tokyo: UNU Press.


Vierros, M., Cicin-Sain, B., Arico, S. and Lefebvre, C. (2011) Preserving Life:  Halting Marine Biodiversity Loss and Establishing Networks of Marine Protected Areas in 2010 and Beyond. In: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Insecurity – A Planet in Peril, edited by Ahmed Djoghlaf and Felix Dodds, published by Earthscan.


D. Leary, M. Vierros, G. Hamon, S. Arico and C. Monagle (2009) Marine Genetic Resources: A review of scientific and commercial interest. Marine Policy 33: 183– 194


Vierros, M. (2008) The ecosystem approach of the Convention on Biological Diversity. In: The Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries. G. Bianchi and H.R. Skjoldal, Eds. FAO, Rome. pp: 39-46


Vierros, M. (2001) The Seas of Jamaica. In: Seas at the Millennium. C. Sheppard (ed.). Elsevier Publications.

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